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Product Placement – Eye level is sale level

05 Feb 2019

Category: OnRouteMag, Product News

Product Placement – Eye level is sale level

Research suggests that only one third of in store purchases are pre-planned and that product placement is paramount in enticing customers to buy. The stores environment plays a large part in influencing buyers which is driven by what products they see and how prominent they are displayed.

Platinum International have recently received a great example of one of our customers efforts in improving product placement in store to up sell to a premium oil product. Steve Thompson, a branch manager at CT Autoparts recently told us that they had “a massive move around” in order to display LUKOIL Lubricants at “eye level, above the Trade Tec to promote it more”. Based on research, in today’s product placement, the customers begin by looking at the shelf at eye level and work their way from left to right and make their purchasing decision in less than 8 seconds.

This tactic has proven to be very effective for CT Autoparts. With the premium LUKOIL product being displayed in a prime eye level position, coupled with fantastic customer service and expertise provided by the staff over the counter resulted in the premium oil products accounting for one third of the first day’s total oil sales.

Steve Thompson went on to finish on a positive note by saying “just goes to show, if you display it and offer it to customers as a premium oil… they will buy it” and “if it works here, I’m sure it will work at other depots as well”.

So, next time you’re in your store, we urge you to take a minute and look around to see if you can make some product placement changes. Maybe try to display products that are not performing as well at customer eye level and see if that makes a difference to your sales! Finally, if you would like to find out more about the premium LUKOIL Lubricants, then call 0845 063 9999 or email [email protected].

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